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What is micro:bit Live?

Micro:bit Live is an annual meeting, so far virtual and international, organized by the micro:bit Foundation since 2018. This year, the first face-to-face meeting "micro:bit Live 2023" will take place in Barcelona (Sant Feliu de Llobregat).

This event, aimed at primary and secondary school teachers of all disciplines, marks a turning point, as it will be in person for the first time.

The central theme of the day, "micro:bit in the classroom: developing key skills for the future", focuses on the introduction of robotics into the classrooms as an interdisciplinary learning tool and how this can transform the way students acquire skills and competences, with a perspective of inclusion and equity.

Gràcies a tots per ser part d'aquesta experiència educativa transformadora!

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Jornada micro:bit LIVE Barcelona 2023

Jornada micro:bit LIVE Barcelona 2023
Jornada Micro bit Live 2023 "micro:bit a les aules: desenvolupant competències clau per al futur"

Jornada Micro bit Live 2023 "micro:bit a les aules: desenvolupant competències clau per al futur"

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Ponències Track 1 Jornada micro:bit LIVE Barcelona 2023

Ponències Track 1 Jornada micro:bit LIVE Barcelona 2023

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Ponències Track 2 Jornada micro:bit LIVE Barcelona 2023

Ponències Track 2 Jornada micro:bit LIVE Barcelona 2023

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Screenshot 2023-09-16 at 16.18.24.png

With the support:

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