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Did you know that the micro:bit board can communicate wirelessly with other micro:bits using the radio?

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Workshop 5 - Micro:bit and the radio function


It's like this! Radio is an incredibly powerful way to send and receive messages, and the micro:bit can make great use of it. This workshop will show you how to take advantage of this fascinating feature.

Imagine the possibilities: you could create a “treasure hunt” game where micro:bits communicate with each other to find secret objects, or even make a simple communication system with a friend using your own micro:bits. The options are almost endless!



  • Program your micro:bit so it can send and receive messages to other micro:bits via radio waves.

  • This workshop is designed for beginners and will guide you step by step through the process of learning how to use the micro:bit's radio function.

  • You will have the opportunity to work with other participants and discover many of the possibilities it offers.


Educational level

All levels: from upper primary to training courses


Andrés García

Primary teacher at La Merced School in Martorell, Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert, Scientix ambassador and co-organizer of the #ScratchEdMeetup in Barcelona. @andrestweetter


Jaume Basseda

Specialist in educational robotics, technician and expert in computer security, technology and educational innovation. Consultant, advisor and techno-pedagogical advisor.


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With the support:

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